Thursday, July 9, 2009

Archiving Davao

I am not sure if i could say that i practically wasted 2 hours for browsing pictures over the internet. Hehe. Well honestly i feel it was worthwhile, i have seen so much for the 2 hours i have spent. Imagine taking a look back 50-100 years of the places youve been just recently. Specifically manila and Davao(my birth place). I have known more than what i should have learned today if i have been present at class for my rizal subject. I am liking the subject which perhaps lead me to dig onto the classic photos of manila. which eventually lead me to a classic photo of davao too.
The changes in manila was dramatically essential(weird adjective). As some of the photos of the old manila were drastically less crowded and was pollution free compared to the congested look of manila now. Which made me philosophy to why manila has become congested as it is. It lead me to the idea perhaps the main cause of the crowding of manila is the violation of certain construction codes of the philippines. I remember there was this statement that says not any part of a building should trespass its containing boundaries;Not even if its a floating structure, like a gutter or a roof deck. Well these are only my personal observations on what could have had caused the over crowding of manila.

well anyway, too much of the browsing today. hehe. I am starting this blog now to actually make it possible for an online archive for davao city. Pictures will very much do the idea. hehe. I guess i would have to browse more in the internet to find more free photos of the old davao.